Adapun visi dari SMP Taruna Jaya I Surabaya, sebagai berikut.
"Menjadi sekolah yang bersih, asri, ramah dan bersahabat. Sebuah tempat bagi para siswa untuk bergaul dan bersinergi dengan lingkungannya, agar mampu menjadi siswa yang inovatif dan berkompeten".
Secara sederhana vision statement dari SMP Taruna Jaya I Surabaya, dapat dirumuskan menjadi BERSIH, ASRI, RAMAH dan BERSAHABAT.
Sekolah yang bersih, diyakini akan dapat mencerminkan keyakinan terhadap penciptaan lingkungan sekolah yang sehat, sebagai modal dasar untuk melahirkan siswa yang inovatif dan berkompeten. Sekolah yang asri, mencerminkan kepekaan dan perhatian terhadap keberlangsung lingkungan hidup dan pendidikan. Terciptanya lingkungan sekolah yang segar, indah, terpelihara dan sedap dipandang, diharapkan mampu mendukung terbentuknya suasana belajar mengajar yang kondusif bagi kelahiran siswa yang inovatif dan berkompeten. Sekolah yang ramah, berusaha untuk membentuk profil warga sekolah yang memiliki budi bahasa yang menarik, sopan, manis tutur kata dan sikapnya, menyenangkan dalam pergaulan, serta mendorong terciptanya lingkungan belajar mengajar yang nyaman dan menyenangkan. Sekolah yang bersahabat, berusaha untuk menciptakan hubungan yang erat, baik, akrab, dan menyenangkan dalam segenap proses pendidikan dan pengajaran.
Adapun misi dari SMP Taruna Jaya I Surabaya, sebagai berikut.
School Vision and Mission
School Organization Guidelines 2013, 08-07-2013
The vision of SMP Taruna Jaya I Surabaya is as follows.
"To be a school that is clean, beautiful, welcoming and friendly. A place for students to mingle and synergize with their environment, so they can become innovative and competent students."
In simple terms, the vision statement from SMP Taruna Jaya I Surabaya can be formulated as CLEAN, BEAUTIFUL, FRIENDLY and FRIENDLY.
A clean school is believed to be able to reflect a belief in the creation of a healthy school environment, as the basic capital for producing innovative and competent students. A beautiful school, reflecting sensitivity and concern for the sustainability of the environment and education. The creation of a school environment that is fresh, beautiful, well-maintained and pleasing to the eye, is expected to be able to support the formation of a teaching and learning atmosphere that is conducive to the birth of innovative and competent students. A friendly school strives to form a profile of school members who have interesting manners, are polite, have sweet words and attitudes, are fun to socialize with, and encourage the creation of a comfortable and enjoyable teaching and learning environment. Friendly schools, trying to create close, kind, friendly, and fun relationships in the whole process of education and teaching.
The mission of SMP Taruna Jaya I Surabaya is as follows.
1.Realizing schools that are able to give birth to innovative students
2. Realizing schools that are able to produce students who have scientific competence, moral competence, and socio-cultural competence
3. Realizing schools that are able to produce students who are reflective, healthy, caring and ethical.
4. Realizing schools that are capable of producing graduates who have meaning for the surrounding environment, and have the readiness to become good citizens.